UWE- Undisputed Wrestling Entertainment
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Welcome everyone, to the first ever 6 sided caged wrestling style arena. We include the most brutal and the most Unpredictable match ups of the century! and with the cage set-up we can include new moves to the match. Partnered with GM of FWE- Cristiano
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 Looking for VGM's

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2 posters
GM Malicious King
GM Malicious King

Posts : 48
Join date : 2012-12-01

Looking for VGM's Empty
PostSubject: Looking for VGM's   Looking for VGM's EmptySun Dec 02, 2012 1:18 pm

Hey, UWE is looking for talented VGM's who can spare their time and dedicate some of their energy in to the federation, and be offered better contracts in the future (p.s don't send me "I wantz 2 be vgm")

-You should send me the federation you worked for before and your job there.

-Once upon confirmation, You should also inform me how active you are.

-A bonus which would really up your chances if you were a GM or a Graphics Maker and by GM I mean more than 2 seasons.

-You should be good in roleplaying, if you weren't a VGM then we could help you become a good VGM if you have creative skills and are good in roleplaying.

Thank you for taking your time to read this.
GM Malicious King.
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Silver Storm

Posts : 146
Join date : 2012-12-02
Location : Australia

Looking for VGM's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for VGM's   Looking for VGM's EmptySun Dec 02, 2012 1:25 pm

Heres the Application Form

Twg Level:
Twg Age:
Activity level? 1-10 (one be basically never on, 10 being really super doopa active):
Can you do GFX?:
Ever been a VGM/GM?:
If so which feds?:
Can you Rp?:
Why should you be a VGM/HVGM?:

PM Mk or me with the Application filled out.
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Looking for VGM's
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