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Welcome everyone, to the first ever 6 sided caged wrestling style arena. We include the most brutal and the most Unpredictable match ups of the century! and with the cage set-up we can include new moves to the match. Partnered with GM of FWE- Cristiano
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 "The Prince of Virtue" Christiano Antonio-Arie Renegade

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Christiano Renegade
Christiano Renegade

Posts : 25
Join date : 2012-12-07
Age : 27
Location : New Zealand(:

"The Prince of Virtue" Christiano Antonio-Arie Renegade Empty
PostSubject: "The Prince of Virtue" Christiano Antonio-Arie Renegade   "The Prince of Virtue" Christiano Antonio-Arie Renegade EmptySat Dec 08, 2012 11:14 pm

Known as the "Prince of Virtue" by his peers and friends. Christiano is a very respectful person. Easily able to balance himself with humour. He is also capable of adapting emotionally to any situation. This helps him empathise, but additionally, become serious when required.
Christiano takes all of his opponents seriously, regardless of appearance, race, or personality. This leads to him disliking prejudice. Renegade is also regarded as very patient, and relatively strong for his age.

Christiano Renegade stands at 6ft 2 inches.
His ethnicity is a cross between Italian(Mother) and Portuguese(Father).
Renegade has a slight dark brown tan that carries throughout his entire physique.

Black hair constantly kept at a short height. He is a very self-respectable person with both his attires and casual clothing.
Pre-Match attire, Renegade wears a silver leather jacket, with a necklace around the neck, it dangles inbetween the half opening of his jacket. He wears no shirt during both the match and his entrance.
He wears black leather boots, this connects up with the ending of his black 3/4 jeans.

Backstage Casual is a black trenchcoat and grey-denim jeans. High-Tops are often his preference of footwear. Girls usually marvel at his clean-cut aroma, but Renegade is not interested entirely in love-interests as of late.

Through all this you could deduct that he is indeed Face. The crowd have mixed feelings about what he says and does, but as far as Christiano is concerned. He does what needs to be done, and in his mind. It's morally correct.

Renegade's theme song is 'Until The End' by Breaking Benjamin.

Finishing Move is 'Renegade Slate' Which is a Busaiku Clothesline, after stalking the grounded opponent(bouncing back and forth on the ropes) before they arise.

Trademark Move is 'Virtue Veil' Which is a Modified Enziguri.

Christiano Renegade was born in Lisbon, Portugal on the 11th of May 1989, to Cynthia and Maxwell Renegade.

He weighs 225 pounds, the ring announcer will say he is from 'Catanzaro, Italy' to pay tribute to his unfortunate mother who passed away from her battle with Cancer before Renegade had reached the age of 10.
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"The Prince of Virtue" Christiano Antonio-Arie Renegade
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