UWE- Undisputed Wrestling Entertainment
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Welcome everyone, to the first ever 6 sided caged wrestling style arena. We include the most brutal and the most Unpredictable match ups of the century! and with the cage set-up we can include new moves to the match. Partnered with GM of FWE- Cristiano
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 Mathew Taylor Biography

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Mathew Taylor

Mathew Taylor

Posts : 14
Join date : 2012-12-08

Mathew Taylor Biography Empty
PostSubject: Mathew Taylor Biography   Mathew Taylor Biography EmptySun Feb 10, 2013 1:19 pm

Name: Mathew Taylor

Nickname(s): King

From: San Jose, California USA

Height: 6'0

Weight: 205

Class: Technique

Alignment (Face/heel/Tweener): Heel

Finisher(s): Mathew Taylor lifts the opponent up on his shoulders
and drops the opponent face first to the mat executing Final Intentions

Trademark(s): N/A
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