UWE- Undisputed Wrestling Entertainment
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Welcome everyone, to the first ever 6 sided caged wrestling style arena. We include the most brutal and the most Unpredictable match ups of the century! and with the cage set-up we can include new moves to the match. Partnered with GM of FWE- Cristiano
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 Justin Time debut

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Justin Time

Justin Time

Posts : 4
Join date : 2013-02-07
Age : 37
Location : Ireland

Justin Time debut Empty
PostSubject: Justin Time debut   Justin Time debut EmptyFri Feb 08, 2013 11:26 am

The lights cut out in the arena, a clock appears on the titan-tron, 5..4..3..2..1..

Thunderstruck by AC/DC begins to blare around the arena, as a new guy walks out onto the stage, fairly well toned, wearing a suit.

He starts to make his way down to the ring, slapping hands with some of the fans along the way. He then circles the ring, grabbing a mic off one of the stage hands, and then enters.

He pauses for a minute, looking out into the crowd, who are stood looking perplexed.

A small section of the crowd let off a mini pop

Justin Time: For those two people who already know who I am, thank you! For everyone else, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Justin Time.

JT: I've spent a long time on the Indy's, working my way up on the proverbial ladder, to finally getting a shot in the big time, thats right, i'm the newest member of the UWE!

A small section of the crowd cheer again.

JT: I don't expect things handed to me, quite the opposite, I expect to start at the bottom, stick some boots in, and hopefully work my way to the top. If I don't make it there, it wont be from lack of trying.

JT: Also, one of my other aims is, to entertain each and every one of you on my road to glory here.

JT: I only need to take one look at the roster to see that it isn't going to be easy competing here, a lot of these guys either are the best in the world at what they do, or can compete with the best. I just have to come out here week in and week out and try to show that I'm capable of matching them.

JT: Ladies and gentlemen, enjoy the rest of the show, and I'll see you soon in the Warzone!

Justin time drops the mic, and leaves the ring. He interacts with the fans on his way to the back as the camera pans out and fades to black
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